Domestic and Family Violence: Seeking Help and Support

Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families across all demographics. It includes any behaviour that is physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, or economically abusive within a relationship of trust. DFV not only harms the victims but also leaves lasting impacts on children who witness such violence.

The Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ) is committed to providing support and resources to those affected by DFV. See for more information.  ACSQ is committed to the Anglican Church of Australia’s 10 Commitments for preventing and responding to Domestic and Family Violence

 If you or someone you know is experiencing DFV, the Church offers a compassionate and confidential space for help. Clergy and church workers are trained to recognise the signs of DFV and can offer spiritual guidance, emotional support, and referrals to external services.

Steps to Seek Help:

Contact Rev’d Claye Middleton at  07 3203 2440 or email He can offer support and help you understand your options. The Church can connect you with local shelters, legal aid, counselling services, and support groups. Rev’d Claye respects your privacy and will ensure that your situation is handled with the utmost confidentiality and care.

If you need additional support, the following organisations offer assistance for those experiencing DFV:

DVConnect (Queensland): Phone: 1800 811 811 (24/7) Website:

DVConnect provides 24/7 crisis support, counselling, and emergency accommodation for women, men, and children in Queensland.

Deception Bay Neighbourhood Centre Phone: 07 3204 2022 Website DBNC works to provide opportunities to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged in the community.

Centre Against Domestic Abuse, Moreton Bay Region. Caboolture: 07 5498 9533 Redcliffe: 07 3283 6930 Provides support and advocacy.

Women's Legal Service Queensland: Phone: 1800 957 957 Website:

This service offers free legal advice and support for women experiencing DFV.

Queensland Police Service (QPS): Emergency: 000 Non-Emergency: 131 444


In case of immediate danger, call 000. For non-emergencies, QPS can assist with restraining orders and legal protection.

1800RESPECT (National): Phone: 1800 737 732 (24/7) Website:

This national service offers 24/7 counselling, support, and information for people affected by DFV and sexual assault.

Lifeline Australia: Phone: 13 11 14 (24/7) Website: